How to get an iPhone 5 on launch day

iPhone 5 white and black

The iPhone 5 has finally been announced. Pre-orders start September 14 and the phone hits the streets on September 21. We've got a guide to getting yours.

Full Coverage From Apple's 9/12 iPhone 5 Launch EventThe September 12 announcement of the iPhone 5 was anything but shocking to the tech world, but that doesn’t mean we won’t all dash out to get one. That’s the crazy thing about Apple products: the information can leak days in advance, but the official announcement can put consumers in a trance until they wake up in line on launch day. There’s no stopping the horde of fruit phone frenzied zombies, so you may as well prepare yourself to join in.

Before you decide to jump head-first into the pool of iPhone 5 early adopters, make sure that you take a look at everything that’s out there. The market is full of worthy competitors, from the Galaxy S3 to the new Razrs, and even Apple’s own iPhone 4S. Who are we kidding, though? You want the iPhone 5. I mean, just look at the thing. If you’ve made up your mind and are already packing your tent to camp out at the Apple Store, make sure to arm yourself with this information.


The iPhone 5 will become available for pre-order online through the Apple Store on Friday, Sept. 14. The phone will officially be available on the following Friday, Sept. 21. Apple stores open at 8:00 a.m., so make sure you’ve got a fresh cup of coffee for the morning. The lowest price rung for the iPhone will be the 16GB model for $200, followed by the 32GB for $300, and the 64GB for $400. 

Pre-Order Details

Sprint customers should sprint to Sprint’s iPhone page to do their own pre-order. While the site will remain filled with old model information until the 14th, the service provider will start their own pre-order offer at 12:01 a.m. AT&T users can also get themselves geared up to keep hitting the refresh button come Friday, because they have a pre-order option available as well. The information is likely to live right after midnight on AT&T’s iPhone page. No word has come from Verizon about a Friday frenzy, but it’d be a safe bet for customers to bookmark the iPhone landing page there.

What to Expect when Pre-Ordering

If you decide to be one of the brave few (million) that decide to stay up to snag an early purchase of the iPhone 5, there are a few things you should prepare for. First of all, slow loading. These sites are built to manage a fair amount of traffic, but any event like this is sure to cause the servers to take a beating. If you have to refresh a few times, don’t be too shocked. Once you do get through, you should make sure that you’ve received email confirmation of your order. This will come in handy when you decide to pick up your phone from the local carrier of choice.

What to Expect In-Store

Buying an Apple product on the day of launch historically calls for a camping session the night before. There might not be s’mores in store, but there are no bears either, and you’ll be getting the ultimate Swiss Army Knife when you wake up in the morning. Needless to say, though, you should arrive as early as you possibly can to secure your spot in line. If you’re not committed to the cause and you didn’t pre-order, don’t bother. Wait for the madness to die down after the first few weeks so you can easily slip in and out of the store without running the risk of being squished or body-surfed to the back of the line. But if you want an iPhone on launch day and don’t want to pre-order, be prepared to get in line and wait there… for many hours.

Source : digitaltrends[dot]com

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