Photive Natural Slim iPhone 5 Case for Only $10

So, assuming you put in your pre-order early enough, you should be getting your hands on the brand new Apple iPhone 5 a little later this week. You probably want to make sure that your precious new iPhone is properly protected, but that doesn’t mean you need to buy an expensive case. Sometimes, a cheaper $10 one will do.

Case in point is the Photive Natural Slim Fit Case for the iPhone 5. They say that it is a “guaranteed fit” for the new iPhone and it doesn’t add much in terms of bulk, so you still get that slender and sleek appearance that you desire. It’s pretty simple, with just a plain black housing, but I’d say the understated beauty is even more attractive. The lack of the two-toning on the back, though, might make people think you have that dinosaur of a device called the iPhone 4S.

Source : mobilemag[dot]com

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