Win a copy of Madden 13 for PS3!

Madden 13 giveaway

We have a copy of Madden 13 on the PS3 waiting to be given away. Read on to find out how.

The refs are back! Thank the almighty, the refs are back! The news today that the NFL settled the dispute with its refs was greeted with a mixture of joy and relief. The consequences of awarding a few lucky fans with the chance to see an NFL game from a unique angle – the field, apparently – was not quite the rousing success that the NFL had assumed when the strike began, but on the flip side it probably went off exactly as the NFL Referee Association had hoped it would. More than a zebra-flavored few cackles were surely heard following Russell Wilson going down in history as the first quarterback to ever throw a game winning interception.

For those that are more into the digital side of things this probably didn’t affect you much, as Madden 13 remained unaffected. Sure, we all want realism in our football simulators, but sending out an update to lower the cognitive ability of the refs may be a little too real, even for the most dedicated.

So with that in mind, and with the balance restored to the force (of football), we have decided to celebrate by giving away a copy of Madden 13 on the PlayStation 3.

For your chance to win, all you have to do is come up with a legitimate argument within the rules of the NFL  that would justify awarding that touchdown to Seattle at the end of the Packers/Seahawks game. And go. 

We kid, we kid. You could seriously hurt yourself trying to twist that play into a legitimate one, so instead we’ll make this easy on you:

All you have to do is let us know your picks for the Super Bowl. That’s it. There is no wrong answer! Well, that’s not entirely true, there could be a wrong answer. Saying you think the Montreal Expos are going to win the Super Bowl would be wrong, for example… But this is just entirely opinion based.

So just post a comment below and let us know who you predict will be in the big game, and you will be entered to win a copy of Madden 13 for the PS3!

The contest will run from now until Tuesday, October 2 at noon PST. Good luck!

Source : digitaltrends[dot]com

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