Nokia Releases Nokia Lumia 820 3D Printing Kit, Now You Can Make Your Own Shells

While the Nokia Lumia 920 is still king of the Nokia Windows Phone 8 world, the Nokia Lumia 820 is certainly a solid choice if you are looking for a mid-range device. One of the features that sets the Nokia apart from other handsets in their class is their swappable plastic shell.  Most phones only allow you to customize the look of your phone with different cases, but Nokia allows you to replace the entire shell giving you a truly “unique” look.

Getting new “looks” is as a simple as heading over to your local retailer and buying one, right? Actually Nokia is making things even easier then that, if you happen to have a 3D Printer. Nokia has just dropped a 3D Printing Development Kit available for download.  It contains everything you’ll need to make your own shells, “3D templates, case specs, recommended materials and best practices.”

Do you think this will be the beginning of a new trend in accessorizing? What do you think about Nokia’s decision to give this information away totally for free?

Source : mobilemag[dot]com

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