Touch webOS phone that never was sees light of day

Touch webOS phone that never was sees light of day

Follow the light (credit: webOS Nation)

It's 2011 and the team at webOS has a decision to make: delay the QWERTY-having Pre 3 or an all-touch phone called the WindsorNot?

webOS Nation, which recently spent some time with the WindsorNot in prototype form, narrates the history of the phone that lost and provides a thorough look at the phone that was only seen in a pulled promo video.

Spec-wise the phone is close to the Pre 3, down to the 1.4Ghz Qualcomm processor and 800 x 480 screen, though looking at the WindsorNot almost feels like seeing an ancient artifact for the first time, one that was chucked in the mobile grave yard and forgotten until someone decided to brush the dust off.

Not that the Pre 3 faired much better.

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Source : techradar[dot]com

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