In pictures: Gold HTC One

In pictures: Gold HTC One

Always believe in your soul

OK, so gold phones are quickly coming close to being passe, but the HTC One Gold edition is something different: it's a proper 18ct gold edition.

Designed for the MOBO awards, the HTC One has been gold plated to deliver that 'hyperbling' experience that marks it out from the rest.

Apart from being the most reflective phone we've ever tried to photograph (and we've tried to do the same thing with chrome phones), the most remarkable thing about the handset is that it doesn't weight more than 4g more than the normal HTC One.

Gold HTC One

It's essentially the same device, although HTC did admit it was working out some of the connectivity issues that come with gold plating. However, thanks to its efforts into antenna reception in making the all-aluminium HTC One there are apparently no issues with getting a spot of 3G or 4G to play with.

So there you have it: it's an HTC One with the most bling-tastic covering you'll ever see. Don't hanker after it too much, as it not only costs £2700 to make, but sadly it's never going to see shop shelves. Well, sadly for those that have just sold a mid-sized coupe and feel the need to waste the cash, that is.

Gold HTC One
Gold HTC One
Gold HTC One
Gold HTC One
Gold HTC One

Source : techradar[dot]com

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