LG Nexus 4 starts shipping today for some, back ordered for others

LG Nexus 4

Today was the day the many of the individuals that ordered the LG Nexus 4 finally got confirmation emails and UPS shipping information. Unfortunately, it wasn’t smooth sailing for everyone. It seems that while some users managed to get confirmations, others got a much less exciting email indicating that their Nexus 4 was now on back order.

So what’s the deal? Apparently Google sold more devices that it actually had. Considering how quickly the Nexus 4 sold out in most markets (20-60 minutes) it isn’t that surprising of a revelation, but that doesn’t make things any less disappointing.

The email gives users a few options, which basically boiling down to waiting around three weeks (though no specific date is give) or even canceling the order. Here’s the email in full:

Thank you for your recent purchase on Google Play. Due to overwhelming demand, your Nexus 4 is on backorder and is expected to ship within three weeks. We’ll send you a notification when your order has shipped and will credit the shipping charges.

To check the status of your order at any time, visit the link below: https://wallet.google.com/manage/#transactions
If you would prefer to cancel your order, please reply to this email and our team will assist you. Or you can cancel your order using our online tool. Please follow the instructions found here: http://support.google.com/googleplay/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=2423477

We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you again for your order.
The Google Play Team

Were you one of the lucky folks that managed to actually get a confirmation email for your LG Nexus 4 or are you stuck waiting?

Source : mobilemag[dot]com

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