Grab your guns: Four-day ‘Gear Up Weekend’ event hits Borderlands 2


To celebrate the imminent release of Borderlands 2′s next DLC pack, Gearbox Software is hosting a massive in-game event for the next four days.

Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt, the third DLC campaign addition for Gearbox Software’s excellent open-world first-person shooter Borderlands 2, will debut on the various digital distribution platforms on January 15. That’s wonderful in and of itself, as Borderlands 2 is one of our favorite releases of the past year, and more content for the game is always welcome. However, the real story here isn’t the DLC, but instead what Gearbox has planned to herald its release.

This morning the developer kicked off festivities by making the following announcement on its official blog:

The festivities begin today, January 11, with Vault Hunters reporting an influx of powerful shotguns throughout Pandora. To join in the fun, simply boot up Borderlands 2 while connected to the internet and start looting before the supply runs dry — based on current conditions, expect the excess to be exhausted on Saturday, January 12 at 10:55AM CST / 4:55PM GMT

Powerful shotguns sound like a great reward for fans, but there’s something odd about this announcement. Why would Gearbox host an in-game event that only lasts for a single day?

We wondered the same thing, but instead of speculating wildly, we went straight to the source for more information on what’s happening here. As it turns out, Gearbox has only revealed the first of four days of festivities. This event actually runs through Tuesday of next week (which makes sense, given that Tuesday happens to be January 15, the day that Sir Hammerlock’s Big Game Hunt hits retail). Have a look at this schedule of events that Gearbox was kind enough to share with us:

Saturday – Varmint Hunter Shotgun Day!
Vermivorous arrives in 3 days! Gear up with the best shotguns in the Borderlands!

·         Shotgun drop rates increase day 1

Sunday – Pandorian Fishing Grenade Day!
Vermivorous arrives in 2 days! You’ll need the best Grenade mods if you’re going to beat him!

·         Grenade mod drop rates increase day 2

Monday – Big Game Hunter Sniper Day!
Vermivorous arrives tomorrow! Keep your distance and fight back with the best sniper rifles in the Borderlands!

·         Sniper rifle drop rates increase day 3

Vermivorous has arrived! Find him and claim your reward!

·         Vermivorous spawn rate increases on day 4

Ah yes, this is much closer to what we had expected. So, for today, Gearbox has boosted the drop rate on shotguns in Borderlands 2. End result: It’s much easier to find shotguns, and more importantly, it’s also easier to find really crazy-powerful shotguns. Sunday sees a similar boosted drop rate, only it’s twice as large a boost and this time it’s centered on grenade mods. Monday’s the same, with sniper rifle drop rates increasing three-fold.

Then we hit Tuesday and this scheme swerves toward the cruel. Instead of offering players enhanced drop rates on rocket launchers or something thematically similar to prior days’ offerings, Gearbox has decided to quadruple the spawn rate of Vermivorous, a creature widely viewed as the most elusive, dangerous enemy in Borderlands 2. There’s good reason why his full title is “Vermivorous The Invincible” (even if it contradicts the header image above).

While the final day of the celebration is a departure from its predecessors, it should prove popular among veteran Borderlands 2 players. Not only is Vermivorous quite difficult to kill (that “Invincible” bit is slightly exaggerated), he’s also hard to find. This is problematic as the items he can might drop can be incredibly powerful. Boosting his spawn rate should make him easier to hunt down, and those players capable of killing the beast should find themselves with a wealth of new, rare items.

As Gearbox mentioned, it’s very easy to get involved in this whole thing. All you need is a copy of Borderlands 2, a gaming machine to play it on and a functional Internet connection. Just log into the game and each day’s special effect will automatically be applied. Enjoy your new toys.

Source : digitaltrends[dot]com

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